The SoliDAIR consortium consists of 10 beneficiaries from six different countries: Germany, Austria, Spain, Turkey, Belgium and Greece. Led by Fraunhofer IPA it represents a well-balanced mix of industry leading expertise and knowledge centres. It includes four large enterprises (Brose, BOSCH, CIE, SISW), three SMEs (I2M, AUTFORCE, UG SYSTEMS), and three cutting edge research partners (TWI Hellas, VIF).

Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA) is one of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft’s largest institutes. The Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, based in Germany, itself is the world’s leading applied research organization. Fraunhofer IPA, based in Stuttgart, was founded in 1959 and employs round about 700 fulltime workers. The entire field of manufacturing industry and production is covered by its different technological expertise. Main lead topics are amongst other Artificial intelligence (AI) in manufacturing, Digital transformation and Robot technologies and services. Machine vision is one important application field of its AI research, which is strongly supported by its competences in the field of explainable AI.
As coordinator Fraunhofer IPA takes care of the project management
It leads the development of a methodological framework and generic modules
It develops visual AI solution considering data efficiency, explainability and reliability
As research institute Fraunhofer IPA will take care especially for the scientific dissemination of the project results
Brose is the fourth-largest family-owned automotive supplier. Every second new car worldwide is equipped with at least one Brose product. The company's intelligent solutions for vehicle access and interiors provide greater comfort and flexibility. Innovative concepts for thermal management increase efficiency and contribute to environmental and climate protection. Brose's systems understanding enables new functions in all kinds of vehicles – whether on four or two wheels. Including the joint venture Brose Sitech, the company employs more than 32,000 people at around 68 locations in 24 countries. In 2022, the Brose Group generated turnover of around 7.5 billion euros.
Project industry partner and use case owner for visual AI theme.
Data provider for the development of a trustworthy AI for automatic optical inspection.
Host for practical application of AI models and xAI features developed.
User of standards established throughout the project.
Fundación CIE I+D+i (CIE) is a technical center (one of the 10 R&D centers in CIE Automotive), dedicated to develop new product and processes considering CIE’s multi-technological approach and production capabilities for the automotive industry. CIE Automotive is a component manufacturer for the automotive industry, supplying all types of single components and subassemblies for all the areas of the vehicle, directly to OEMs and through Tier 1s for engine, transmission, chassis, interior, body, applications, different materials (steel, aluminium, plastic) and manufacturing processes (stamping, tube forming, welding, plastic injection, aluminium HPDC, forging, machining..). Through a team of high skilled engineers, we combine several manufacturing technologies as stamping, HPDC, forging, plastic injection, iron casting, machining processes and roof systems development for products that will/could be produced in the corresponding divisions of CIE. The CIE Research and Development center is fully promoted by CIE AUTOMOTIVE Group, which is an Industrial Group supplying components and sub-assemblies to the global automotive industry. CIE R&D is focused on product and process development and R&D projects for all design stages: design, product and process simulation, prototypes and testing applied to all mentioned technologies, including several CAD facilities (UG Nx, I’DEAS, CATIA v4&v5, Pro-E, Product CAE: Nastran, Abaqus, ANSYS, CFD, CFX; Process CAE: PAM-STAMP (Stamping and Tube Forming processes), FORGE (Forging and massive forming processes), MOLD FLOW (Plastic injection), PAMCAST (Casting processes, ferrous and nonferrous materials. Test benches for multi-axial fatigue and material characterization and metallographic analysis. This engineering office has more than 20 years of experience in the automotive sector, and many of the companies of the group also enjoy more than 40 years of experience in manufacturing industry, including own in house-tool shops for key products such as for example aluminium injection, forging or stamping components to guarantee the whole process knowledge. Fundacion CIE I+D+I leads the corporate activity on Industry 4.0 initiatives, including artificial visión, data acquisition, machine learning, etc. A specific project team including experts in data acquisition and processing, ML building and training, together with process development and quality control would be involved in the project to develop the ML tools.
CIE will develop an AI- based production parameter optimization for aluminium casting
CIE will support TWI, on the definition, development, construction and integration of an automatized artificial vision system, which should replace the manual quality control currently performed by operators. (TWI has the leadership in the content related to the Q-cell based on AV.
For the project scope, TWI and CIE will implement these technologies initially in a Spanish plant, initially for one part number (a new part nr which is starting production in 2023, in order to guarantee we have it in production during the complete length of the project)
is SoliDAIR project should be the reference for future automatized quality control units based on AV for the aluminium division, for this (engine) and other families of parts. If the project proves successful, CIE’s vision is to expand them to other families of parts we produce at the same plant, and replicate them in other aluminium casting plants of the group, in Spain, Romania, India, Mexico, and Brazil.
The Bosch brand is far more than the sum of its products. It has grown out of a long history, a business culture and strategy and our values. Bosch stands for quality, inspiring products, responsibility and global partnership in all areas – externally and internally. Our both development departments are responsible from Common Rail-Injector and nozzle. Besides, the responsibility is shared between Bursa and development departments in Stuttgart. We have the world-wide responsibility of the Commonrail-Injectors CRI1.x, CRI2.x till 2000bar and CRI3.x for platform development including for numerous Injector-customers projects.We are part of development network for injectors together with Feuerbach, Linz, Wuxi, Yori and Bangalore. We have own test and investigation centrum for nozzles and Injectors with test lab and workshop area with high sophisticated test equipments. In addition, recently we started to develop Electric Air Compressors for Fuel Cell Engines.
BOSCH is responsible of gathering data, guiding the RTO’s in domain perspective and technical consultant for the usecase of its own. Overall BOSCH is responsible for WP4 which is reporting the implementation of the developed and implemented methods in the use cases.
AUTFORCE Automations GmbH has been a leader in industrial automation since the year 2000. Specializing in testing systems and industrial software, we have 68 experts across Austria and Germany. We provide testing systems for both development and production. Through our test benches, customers can identify production errors, document quality deviations, validate quality criteria, classify products, and simulate product lifetimes. Our test benches are driven by autfactory, our test bench software. With autfactory, we can control and regulate test benches, optimize test processes and shorten development cycles for new products.
Development & optimization of an AI/ data driven system for predictive QA of a multi-step automotive gear boxes manufacturing assembly process.
Collaboration between AI and human knowledge.
Real time capable recommender system to recognize NOK-parts as early as possible.
Siemens Digital Industries Software (SISW) is a global technology powerhouse that brings together the digital and physical worlds to benefit customers and society. The company focuses on intelligent infrastructure for buildings and decentralized energy systems, on automation and digitalization in the process and manufacturing industries, and on smart mobility solutions for transportations.
Siemens will provide support activities on computationally efficient simulation (Simcenter) exploiting Data & AI.
Siemens will work towards Robotics & AI use cases, focusing on Sim2Real transfer learning approach from simulation to physical testing and validation.​
On the way to technological leadership for individual test environments in Europe UG SYSTEMS has enjoyed success with innovative test automation concepts since 2008. With our constantly growing team, we have established ourselves as a globally acting provider of test systems. Today, our technological focal points open pioneering solution strategies for us.
Our project role is the definition of HMI solutions for adapting AI technology in the production area and to integrate it in existing production systems.
TWI Hellas is a wholly-owned Greek-based subsidiary of TWI, an independent research and technology organisation with physical offices in the UK, Europe, South East Asia, India, the Middle East, Central Asia and the USA. The team specialises in the fields of advanced robotics, artificial intelligence, cloud, and digital engineering. It develops state-of-the-art technologies for volume-efficient data processing, model-driven data analysis, and large-scale data management to deliver state-of-the-art Machine Learning algorithms, next-generation Human Machine Interfaces and digital simulation models (Digital Twins). Last but not least, To maximise the technological impact of collaborative R&D and industrial projects while boosting their smooth introduction to the market, TWI Hellas has assembled a dedicated team for market analysis, project management, dissemination and exploitation.
Research and develop state-of-the-art methodologies to enhance robotic control.
Lead the design and implementation of robotics and AI-enabled visual inspection system for die casting parts.
Lead the operational demonstrations and continuous monitoring of the developed systems for user cases.
Participate in project networking, dissemination and exploitation activities.
The Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH is Europe’s largest R&D center for virtual vehicle technology with 300 employees. Research priority is the linking of numerical simulations and hardware testing, which leads to a powerful HW-SW whole system design and automation of testing and validation procedures. Following this focus on industry-related research VIRTUAL VEHICLE is the innovation catalyst for future vehicle technologies. The international partner network of VIRTUAL VEHICLE consists of around 100 national and international industrial partners (OEMs, Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers as well as software providers) as well as over 40 national and international scientific institutions. We enable our clients to achieve a decisive technological lead, thanks to our innovative power, our effective integration in the European research platform, our global and close cooperation with the best universities and corporate R&D departments, and ultimately thanks to our scientific excellence. We create value by shaping the digitalisation of vehicle development and by connecting the virtual and real worlds. The foundation for this is our team of highly qualified and committed staff.
Virtual Vehicle will act as Work Package leader of the WP3 (Use-Case implementation and Deployment)
Virtual Vehicle will explore deep-learning-based anomaly detection algorithms in high-volume, high-rate production processes.
Virtual Vehicle will act as solution provider for the Use-Case 3 (Robust AI quality prediction in matured, high-rate and high-volume production) in collaboration with BOSCH and Siemens Industry Software
i2m Unternehmensentwicklung GmbH is a technology development and innovation consulting company. The company focuses on helping its clients grow through strategy, innovation & technology, be it through i2m's own developed technologies and products or through strategy and innovation consulting provided in cooperation with the world-renowned Cambridge University (UK).
The name "i2m" - innovation to market - embodies what the company is all about: developing innovations until they are a market success.
i2m, located in Graz / Austria, is active in two business areas: on the one hand as an engineering company in product and technology development (also own products/ solutions, e.g., "High Performance Latent Heat Storage" for automotive applications, system simulation tool for components sizing in early development stage), on the other hand as a management consultancy focusing on strategy, technology, and innovation management.
With a team of engineers and experts in strategy development, as well as technology and innovation management, i2m offers a holistic approach to its clients, who are active in technology-intensive industries in Europe (mobility, industrial goods, energy, pharmaceuticals & chemicals).
Research and develop methodologies and solutions to enhance predictive quality control.
vide support activities on data driven predictive quality control solutions for Use Case 4 in collaboration with AUTFORCE.